Therapeutic Care
The Clinical Services team seeks to provide the holistic needs required, firmly rooted in an evidenced-based approach to meet the needs of the children, young people, their carers and referring agencies.
About our Therapeutic Care service
Five Rivers’ Clinical Services team have developed out of the need to ‘transform the lives of children and young people’, focusing on those who were accessing our specialist integrated education, residential and fostering services. Regionally based, we have developed a network of experienced, qualified professionals from psychology, psychotherapy, counselling and psychiatry backgrounds.
The service aims to improve outcomes relating to emotional well-being and mental health in children and young people, and our search for continuous improvement has been demonstrated by our commitment to having our work validated by external researchers at University College London.
Our Therapeutic team
Our practitioners have expertise in the areas of developmental trauma, disrupted attachments, parenting, fostering, adoption and residential services. Our permanent members of staff are complemented by a group of regionally located affiliates, enabling us to provide further assessments and interventions for a wide range of presenting needs.
In the same spirit of collaboration, we work closely with other Five Rivers’ teams and Foster Carers to ensure every child and young person receives consistent, nurturing care that meets their emotional, developmental and psychological needs.
Therapy & Intervention
We aim to ensure that children, carers and staff are supported within their placements to reduce the risk of a placement breaking down, resulting in further disrupted relationships and loss for the child or young person. As a service, we strive to be proactive rather than reactive, aiming to create and grow stability from an early stage.
We try to empower those who are working with children on the front line. We believe that a child’s Foster Carer, key worker or residential team are the best forms of intervention for the child, providing necessary authoritative parenting, commitment, consistency, sensitivity and attunement.
We offer a range of psychological interventions to children and young people, Foster Carers and adoptive parents. Our interventions are based on the needs of the client and draw from an eclectic range of psychological approaches including:
Play Therapy
A form of therapy in which play is used as a means of helping the client to express and communicate their feelings.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Talking therapy which encourages the client to manage their difficulties by changing the way they think and subsequently behave.
Mentalisation-based Approach
Encouraging the client to think about thinking; helping the client to make sense of how their thoughts, beliefs and feelings are linked to their actions and behaviours.
Psychodynamic Approaches
Approaches emphasising the psychological forces that underlie human behaviour, emotions, feelings and how they might relate to, and be shaped by, early experiences.
The key to unlocking each child’s potential
We aim to maximise every child and young person’s potential, and by focusing on the care they receive we not only help them to achieve, but to recover from the impact of ACEs. After years of possible trauma, rejection and hurt, we seek to instil a sense of belonging and positivity.
If you’d like to find out more about our Therapeutic Care services or would like to make a referral, please contact us.