Talk to us about fostering 01722 442 725

Fostering Stories

parent and child fostering family

Lesley, Dominique and Roxanna, parent and child fostering

“I love the satisfaction that comes with looking after mums and their babies, my job is to help them become more independent in looking after their children and to give […]

Foster dads

Antony and Richard, fostering as LGBTQ+ dads

“It’s about educating people and being up front about it to try and reduce those misconceptions. I’d urge anyone considering fostering to not be put off and to just go […]

foster carers in wet suits

Jo and Russ, fostering vulnerable children

“There is nothing more rewarding than receiving a thank you card on Mother’s Day from a young person we fostered. The transformation in these children from when they arrive to […]

foster carers by a lake

Cam and Clare, fostering in lockdown

“We always knew we wanted to do something more fulfilling and be able to give something back. My work-life has always been extremely stressful…I was looking for something that would […]

man and woman taking selfie

Kim and Andy, life changing fostering

“We enjoy a busy house and we always knew we had more to give. Taking in foster children felt natural and has brought our whole family closer together. Our daughters […]

man and woman holding cups of tea

Alex, adopted at birth now fostering

“Because of my upbringing, fostering or adopting is something I have always known we would do and we’ve ended up doing both. This was a turning point in our lives […]

two women taking a selfie

Linda, fostering over 60 children

“I’ve seen first-hand mums and dads who just don’t have enough support and who are struggling. It breaks my heart knowing that there are people out there who just don’t […]

Foster parents stood in their home

Sonya and David, fostering siblings

“I have seen just how important the relationships between siblings are. This is true especially for those who have been taken into care – their siblings are their one constant […]

woman and man holding a cat

Tracy and Paul, encourage community to foster

“I wish more people understood what a special experience fostering children is. It is such an important job, helping guide the children that are all too often forgotten about, into […]

woman stroking black and white horse

Cathy, Solution 28 fostering

“The majority of the children that come to me on this programme have just left their family homes. I’m lucky to be able to show them that foster care is a […]

Kate and Andy – Foster Carers

“Transferring to Five Rivers was in fact a very straight forward process. We were fully supported throughout the entire process by our Five Rivers assessing social worker.” “We joined Five […]

parent and child fostering

Lesley, parent and child fostering

“I love the satisfaction that comes with looking after mums and their babies, my job is to help them become more independent in looking after their children and to give […]

Altaf and Firoza - specialist fostering

Altaf and Firoza, specialist fostering

“Each child we’ve looked after has different requirements so Five Rivers arranges specialist training each time at the local hospital so we’re well equipped to care for them when they […]

Short and long term fostering

Mark and Paul, short and long term-fostering

“There shouldn’t be any misconceptions around couples from the LGBTQ community fostering children and youth in need of a family and a roof over their heads.” Since beginning their fostering […]

Carole Ann and Simon - respite fostering

Carole Ann and Simon – Respite fostering

“The idea of fostering always appealed to us. When we received our first respite placement, a five-year old boy, our home became much livelier. I can tell you from being […]

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