Talk to us about fostering 01722 442 725


We have dedicated over 30 years to providing an outstanding fostering service that has helped thousands of children and young people.

About Foster Care

Foster care provides vulnerable children and young people with an opportunity to rediscover their childhood in a safe, stable and caring family environment, that’s backed with the knowledge and expertise of experienced care professionals.

Children and young people come into foster care for a number of reasons; it could be that somebody in their family is unwell and unable to care for them, or home may not be a safe or stable environment. As a foster care provider, it is our responsibility to match those children with a foster family that can provide a safe place and support.

Statement of Purpose
Foster care provides vulnerable children and young people with an opportunity to live in a safe, stable and caring family environment, with foster carers who are trained and supported by a range of professional staff.

As a foster care provider, it is our responsibility to match those children with a foster family that can provide a safe and supportive environment that will turn children’s lives around.

You can read our Statement of Purpose that provides information about the Five Rivers Fostering Service, outlining our overall aim and objectives as a fostering service.

Join Our Fostering Family

We’re recognised across the country for providing excellent foster care services through our network of local foster care offices. We’re dedicated to supporting children and young people who have been exposed to traumatic experiences through our therapeutic care service, and we can offer additional specialist training for carers where needed.

Our standing is reinforced by being a Social Enterprise; we are driven by social objectives and the surplus we make is reinvested into the services we provide. When you choose to foster with us, you can rely on an organisation with a clear focus: the future and wellbeing of children and young people who need us.

Due to our experience and excellent reputation, Local Authorities are asking us to recruit more foster carers. Could you be that special person who can offer a child or young person a place to call home?

Find Your Local Fostering Team

Five Rivers Child Care operates foster services across England, with regional offices dedicated to supporting our incredible foster carers. Find your local fostering office to learn more about the team and support in your area.

Become a Foster Carer Today

Our experienced fostering service is committed to providing stable, caring families for the children and young people who need them most. If you are interested in becoming a foster carer, are an experienced foster carer looking to transfer, or would like to learn more about fostering, then please complete the enquiry form below and a member of our carer enquiries team will be in touch.

    First Name (required):
    Surname (required):
    Address Line 1 (required): Address Line 2:
    Town/City (required):
    Postcode (required):
    Email (required):
    Telephone (required):

    Can you confirm you have the right to reside in the UK?

    Do you have at least one spare bedroom?

    Are you over the age of 21?*

    Where did you hear about us? (select all that apply)

    If you have any further queries or any problems completing the form below please contact our Carer Enquiry Team. E: T: 01722 442725

    Become a Fan of Fostering today!

    We’re building a community of people who are passionate about helping children in care. Our fans of fostering come together to raise awareness of the wonderful work foster carers do day in, day out to support those who need it most.

    You don’t need to be a foster carer to become a fan of fostering, you just need to be passionate about turning children and young peoples’ lives around. Our fans of fostering may volunteer to help out in our schools or empower children by teaching them new skills, such as learning to swim or ride a bike, to give those opportunities they may not otherwise have.

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    Work with us

    We are always looking for engaged and passionate people to work for us and have a range of opportunities.

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