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Solo Living

About Solo Occupancy

Five Rivers’ provides a child-centred integrated package of care, therapy and education. It is with a view that educational and emotional needs can be fulfilled, as well as tailored daily activities to meet the individual child’s needs, to engage them fully and build trusting relationships to promote positive change and outcomes.

All placements are undertaken following an in-depth assessment of risk. We can accept same day placements if it is felt that a ‘quick’ transition will benefit the child providing the objectives of the placement are aligned with the home’s purpose and planning can take place. All children and young people are considered on an individual basis.

Who could benefit from living in a solo occupancy children’s home?

This service would be supportive to children and young people who have emotional and behavioural difficulties due to the trauma they have suffered in their childhood. This includes attachment, disassociation and those who need a period of stabilisation in a therapeutic environment with sole focus on them. The home looks to create a safe environment using relationships to support the child to grow.

How we support children and young people in single occupancy homes

Our single occupancy children’s homes aim to meet the specific needs of children and young people with complex emotional and behavioural difficulties. With consistency, routine, structure and appropriate boundaries; the child will feel safe, enabling them to grow and develop new regulatory skills, self-esteem, a sense of worth and, in time, enable them to move on to a group living placement, return home if appropriate or to a foster placement. A holistic approach is taken throughout placement/education to improve each child’s emotional well-being.

While in one of our solo occupancy homes, children and young people have access to our network of independent schools and in some cases, have education provided onsite. This is to help provide children and young people with a stable education with the hope to progress to mainstream schools.

Outcomes for our single occupancy children’s homes

  • New strategies for managing their emotions and feelings/self and co regulating skills improved
  • Improved emotional stability
  • Reduced risk-taking behaviour
  • Building of trusting relationships
  • For children and young people to feel safe and that they are listened to
  • Being supported to maintain existing relationships with family, friends, social workers and therapists where appropriate
  • Improved engagement with education and extra-curricular activities
  • Moving into group and family settings

Find out more about our two solo occupancy homes, Beck House and Osmington House.

If you’d like to discuss Solo Residential Living further or would like to make a referral, please contact us.

Make a referral

Do you know a particular child or young person who you feel would benefit from the care and provision we offer.

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