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Benny’s First Blog Post



teddy bear

Hello everyone,

I am Benny – Benny the Bear. My name – Benny – meaning ‘Brave’ or ‘Strong’ felt like a fitting reflection of all of the people I have met so far on my journey here at Five Rivers Child Care. I have met some amazing Social Workers, Teachers, Support Workers and Therapists in thinking about how I can carry out my duties over the next year. I am very much looking forward to meeting some of the bright young people I have been hearing all about.

I am privileged to have a very important job. Over the next year I will be travelling across England to meet some of the children and young people that Five Rivers Child Care look after. These children do some incredible things. We want to share their achievements and tell everyone how very proud we are of them. We can’t always share their photos, or specific details about them, so I will be helping to tell their stories. I won’t always be able to use their real names, but I hope that doesn’t matter.

benny the bearI will be very busy, spending time with our wonderful foster families and seeing how they spend their time together. I will also be moving into some of our residential care homes and getting to know the children who live there. If I am on best behaviour, I might also make it into the specialist schools some of the children attend. It will be great to see all the creative ways they are learn.

I have already had a sneaky peak at some of the things the children have been doing over the summer holidays. I can’t wait to spend some more time with them and to help you to get to know them better. I just heard on the grapevine that Tommy just passed his grade 3 drum exam, I can’t wait to hear him play.

I will share all of my adventures via this blog – check in and see what I have been up to. You can follow my adventures via Five Rivers social channels too – Twitter @five_rivers and Facebook @fiveriverschildcare and don’t forget me on #BennyTheBear.

Right – time to get stuffed (!!) – I hear there’s some tea parties happening to celebrate Five Rivers 30th anniversary today.

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