We celebrate Foster Care Fortnight 2020 – here’s how
Thursday 14 May 2020
Five Rivers Child Care is marking its commitment to Foster Care Fortnight.
Since 1997, The Fostering Network’s Foster Care Fortnight has showcased the passion and dedication of foster carers. This annual national campaign raises awareness of the incredible work that foster carers do while highlighting the ongoing need for more foster carers in the UK.
In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic we believe it is more important than ever to raise awareness of the important role foster carers play in society: this is an opportunity to thank our carers for their dedication to the children they look after, despite the challenges posed by the virus.
Fostering Skills on Display
The theme for this year’s campaign is #ThisIsFostering and this is an excellent opportunity to showcase the work our carers do in their local area. Foster carers and support staff are skilled workers and these blogs highlight the role they have played in transforming the life chances of young people under their care:
Creativity and compassion help foster children thrive in lockdown
Three young people make big strides in education – thanks to foster care!
Fostering self esteem through physical and practical opportunities
We want to say a huge thank you to our carers. They truly are amazing, supporting children and young people as well as each other during this time. We’re loud and proud about the work they do, and as an organisation, dedicated to turning children’s lives around.