Investing in Children Membership Award for the West Country Fostering Team
We are proud of our West Country Fostering Team for achieving the annual Investing in Children Membership award again for 2020, along with our other fostering teams in regions such as London & East and the Midlands and North. The purpose of the award is to give organisations national recognition for the good practice and active inclusion of children and young people in dialogue that results in change.
What were the West Country Fostering Team recognised for?
Make A Difference Meetings
The West Country Team have regular participation meetings both in Exeter and Truro. This continues to be a place where young people can share their thoughts, opinions, and development ideas.
“These meetings highlight how the service remains focused on giving their young people different opportunities to share their voice and structure work around this. While at Crealy the young people shared with me their experiences of the different events and activities that came through these meetings.” – Investing in Children.
Bike Ride Fundraiser
One example of how the children’s voices are heard through the meetings is the bike ride fundraiser they did in late 2019. During a Make A Difference meeting, the participation group were discussing things that they wanted to do together. One of the young people suggested that they should do a bike ride, another suggested that they should do something for charity, so they decided on a charity bike ride. They raised over £800 to buy Christmas presents for children who were spending the holidays at the Royal Cornwall Hospital.
“The best bit was giving the presents, I nearly cried they were so happy.” – Young Person.
Care Day Celebrations
The participation group also discuss how they would like to celebrate Care Day each year. For Care Day 2020, the young people in the west country celebrated by going to Devon Crealy theme park. They also attended rap workshops around Care Day with care-experienced rapper, Ric Flo, and recorded their own rap songs. Our rap recordings can be accessed on our Vimeo.
“At the last meeting someone mentioned Crealy and it happened – I like that they listen to our voice like that.” – Young person.
Group Activities
In Exeter, the young people spoke about how they had recently done a baking day as one of their group activities. They also mentioned their Christmas party which was also requested in a Make a Difference meeting. In Truro, the young people decided on roller skating as one of their summer activities.
“Well, basically we just had a vote and then got to go.”- Young Person
Young Recruiters
A core aspect of the Five Rivers West Country Foster Care Service is the involvement of the young people when recruiting members of staff. The young people are encouraged to be part of the recruitment process so that the right member of staff – who will most likely be working with the young people, is chosen.
“We did training on interviewing and had to decide on a few questions that we wanted to ask. We got to choose these questions and put them forward for the panel to use.” – Young Person.
The young people were asked whether the Five Rivers West Country should win the award and here’s what they said:
“Definitely they should have the award”
“They need to get it for all their hard work”
“They do basic things like support with children -they’re really helpful!”
Investing in Children concluded that in the Five Rivers West Country region we value the voices of our young people and listen to them. This has been shown across our work, particularly in participation.
“I am once again very happy to recommend that Five Rivers West Country should once again be awarded the Investing in Children Membership Award™ – Congratulations!” – Investing in Children.