Our Foster Carers at Five Rivers
Thursday 06 September 2018
Foster Carer Profile: Leslie & Geoff (written by Leslie)
How did you first learn about becoming a foster carer?
We were going to foster through the Local Authority but we met a couple who worked for Five Rivers Fostering Service and they asked us to consider fostering for an agency instead.
What made you decide to become a foster carer?
We felt that we had the time, space, love and care to give.
When you made your decision to apply to become a foster carer, was there anything you thought might hinder your application? If so, how did you overcome this?
Nothing hindered our application.
Who is the main Carer, do you have children, do you (and your partner) work?
My husband Geoff was the main carer and I worked, then it changed to me being the main carer and Geoff working from home.
What has your experience as a foster carer been like?
Very enlightening, we have learnt about different children’s backgrounds, their families and their living conditions.
What is the most challenging aspect of being a foster carer? What is the most rewarding?
It is both wanting to help children who find it difficult to accept help and building relationships with them.
What (if any) are the main skills and qualities you need to be a foster carer?
You need to have empathy, patience, tenacity and supportive family structures.
Do you have any preferences over the ages and types of placements you will provide?
No, we are flexible.
How do you benefit from training and support?
The opportunity of meeting new people and being kept up to date with government legislation.
How has fostering a child affected or changed your life?
Hugely we went on and adopted our foster son.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering becoming a foster carer?
Talk to people who already foster.