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Congratulations to our foster carer, Pat Porter, on celebrating your 25th anniversary!


We’ve recently celebrated a very special milestone with one of our South West foster carers – Pat Porter celebrated her 25th anniversary as a foster carer with Fiver Rivers!

To commemorate the occasion our CEO and Founder, Pam McConnell, travelled to Bristol to personally present Pat with a crystal vase and flowers, and to thank her for 25 years of service to fostering.   

When asked about her time as a foster carer, Pat said: “Over the last 25 years, I’ve enjoyed every moment of fostering – whether it has been laughter or tears, I wouldn’t change a thing! I’ve fostered many children with various complex needs, from single placements to sibling groups of four. Fostering is challenging but incredibly rewarding, and the support I have received from Five Rivers has been exceptional. Right from the start of being a Five Rivers foster carer, I’ve been part of a team wholly committed to turning children’s lives around – and long may it continue!” 

Adrian Chappell, Service Manager at Five Rivers Child Care, added: “A huge congratulations to Pat, who in her 25 years as a foster carer with Five Rivers, has provided a loving, stable home to hundreds of children. We can’t thank Pat enough for her commitment to caring for children and young people who need a safe place to call home. Pat has shown unwavering determination to ensure that all of the children in her care have the best outcomes possible. We have many long-standing foster carers, but 25 years is a huge milestone and we wanted to celebrate with her as a team and listen to some of the amazing stories she had to tell from her long and rewarding career.  

 “Foster carers do an incredible job looking after young people who have often experienced multiple challenges. We are proud to work in partnership with our carers to achieve our joint mission to turn children’s lives around. 

Congratulations Pat, what an amazing achievement! We’re so grateful for your dedication to turning children’s lives around.

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