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Life Blogger Series: Gingerism

Hello my name is Henry* and I am ginger and I wouldn’t change a thing

In my life at school mostly I have experienced lots of name calling including ginger, ginger biscuit, pennywise and ginger Henry*. I do not react to these names as I know that THEY have the problem the ones calling me it and they think it is acceptable calling me it.

As well as being made fun of for my gorgeous hair being ginger, I am also made fun of as I also have faint blonde eyebrows so people say where are your eyebrows and again, I do not react to this.

Being ginger a lot of people get bullied and most likely dye their hair but I would never do that because I love my hair the way it is and no one can make me think different about it and if I were born again, I wouldn’t change a thing. It might lead to bullying as in high school I was known as ginger but that’s totally fine because what are words going to do to me word don’t hurt only pain hurts and words don’t contain pain.

As far as I’m concerned


This is a blog written by a child in the care of the Five Rivers family as part of our Life Blogger Series. *Names have been changed to protect identity

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