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The Orchard engage in virtual cookery session with professional chef


Staff and children at The Orchard were recently treated to a live, virtual cookery experience. The session was run by Chef Ollie who is currently working with us to support our children and young people with learning how to cook and eat healthy, nutritious meals.

The children and staff picked their own recipes and learnt, step by step, how to make their favourite comfort food – all with healthy ingredients!

Due to The Orchard being in isolation due to COVID-19, the session took place virtually. The young person did such an incredible job, they are going to receive a certificate of achievement for participating so amazingly!

The session was a welcome activity amid a period where the team and the young person were self-isolating. They have done a great job being there for each other during these tough times.

This session followed Chef Ollie’s previous ‘Christmas Cook’ tutorial at The Orchard, in which the young person and staff learnt how to make tasty Christmas food with healthy ingredients and plenty of alternatives for all dietary needs.

Due to the popularity of this cooking tutorial, The Orchard is now planning to work with Ollie to support the children and staff in further developing their cooking skills.

Head of Residential Services Sarah Stefano, who helped organise the session, said:

“This is more than just cooking, this is about enabling young people to make healthy life choices by sharing immersive experiences with our staff who, in turn, are also benefiting from the Chef’s events”.

“Food is an important feature of everyday family life and is something that can be very connecting – we want mealtimes to be a positive experience”.


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