Talk to us about fostering 01722 442 725

Foster Carer Training and Support

We don’t underestimate the challenges that come with being a Foster Carer, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our teams are available to you, your extended family, and the foster children you look after 24/7. This round-the-clock support is crucial, but it isn’t something all fostering providers offer. Our 24/7 support is a key reason why our carers stay with us and recommend Five Rivers to others.

As a Social Enterprise, we prioritise people above profit. We reinvest in our services so that we can provide better support to our Foster Carers and the children they look after.

Support for Foster Carers

Experienced Social Workers
You will be allocated a highly qualified Supervising Social Worker who you will have regular contact and supervision with. Your Social Worker will be based at a local office, allowing strong relationships to develop – we know how important this is.

Our Social Workers are therapeutically trained to understand the impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences. This means they can provide compassionate, trauma-informed support to our foster families.

Round the Clock Support
Day or night, we’re here to help you – not something Local Authorities or other agencies always offer. We know this round-the-clock support is absolutely crucial. With our 24 hour helpline, highly qualified staff are always on hand.

Access to Therapists

An important part of our Social Workers’ jobs is advocating for our Foster Carers, ensuring that their voices are heard when times get tough. This involves working closely with our team of in-house Clinicians so that difficulties can be addressed promptly. From there, our Clinicians, Social Workers, and Foster Carers create an agreed plan of support. This personalised therapeutic response, funded by our Social Enterprise reinvestments, is what makes Five Rivers stand out from other fostering agencies.

A Research-Informed Approach to Training

Our research-based training is unique to Five Rivers Child Care and provides our Foster Carers with a strong foundation in therapeutic care.

Working in partnership with University College London and the Anna Freud Centre, we have carried out studies to understand the impacts of childhood adversity. As a result, we have developed the Attachment and Trauma-Informed Care Model™ (ATIC) – a pioneering model of therapeutic care that we embed across our organisation.

Delivered by an in-house team of clinicians, our ATIC training helps Foster Carers to become trauma-informed, enabling them to better support children and minimising the risk of placement breakdown.

Fostering Support Groups and Memberships
Our support groups give you the opportunity to discuss issues or concerns with other experienced carers and child care experts. Networking with other carers in your area can be really helpful, and we strive to support this as best we can.

You will also have instant access to Foster Talk, a support and advice service for Foster Carers, and New Family Social, a charity for  LGBT+ Foster Carers and adopters.

Paid Short Breaks When Needed
We know that having time off is crucial, so we provide our carers with up to 14 days paid leave. We have ‘short break’ carers available to ensure that you can take time off when needed.

Support for Children

Support for our foster children is crucial, therefore we work very closely with the Local Authority to ensure we can meet their needs and support them on their journey. As an independent provider of children’s services, we can also offer clinical and education services when required.

We believe our children really benefit from meeting other foster families and having new experiences together. To facilitate this, we run activities and fun family days out. We also deliver a national Participation Program, which allows our children to explore issues that matter to them through meaningful, creative activities. Through their creative expression, the children bring about positive change in how we (and others) care for them.

supporting foster children

Support for Birth Children

If you have birth children, we wrap our support around them too. Your birth children will be engaged from the start and part of the assessment process with the Skills to Foster training, helping you to bring your family on this journey. Where needed, our Support Workers offer specific support to birth children too.

In addition to this, we run an annual activity day for birth children, offering them the chance to meet other foster families. We also have helpful guides and resources developed by and for birth children.

foster children holding hands

Extended Support for Care Leavers

When young people leave the care system, they lose the structured support and resources that the foster care system provides. For many young people, this transition is difficult. To help support them, we created Five Rivers Futures—a volunteer-run befriending service, financial grant scheme, information signpost, advocacy support, and leaving care gift package, all rolled into one.

care leavers

Give us a Call to Find Out More

We understand that making the decision to become a Foster Carer is a big commitment. Register your interest with our carer enquiries team for a no obligation chat to find out whether fostering could be right for you.

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