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Modern Slavery Statement

Five Rivers Group of Companies

Our 2024/2025 Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement.

The Five Rivers Group of Companies is very clear that we totally are against forced labour, the use of child labour and human trafficking; and the use of such practices in our supply chain will not be tolerated. As a group of companies, we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business dealings.

About us: The Five Rivers Group of Companies is a Social Enterprise working in the field of Social Care (Fostering and Children’s Homes), Education and Clinical Psychological Services. The fields we work in are heavily regulated subject to inspection by bodies such as OFSTED.

Our own recruitment follows a ‘Safer Recruitment’ regime including DBS checks, eligibility to work in the UK checks and verification of references. We comply fully with all UK legislation.

Policies: our ethical stance against modern slavery is supported by a range of key policies covering key areas such as safeguarding, recruitment, ethical procurement, and independently monitored whistleblowing to support staff where they wish to raise concerns externally.

Due Diligence and Management of Risk: Given the nature of our business we have very few suppliers, mainly in the field of support and administration; our preference is to work with fellow social enterprises wherever possible. All staff involved in purchasing are trained in ethical procurement.
We discuss the risk of modern slavery at both Senior Management and Board levels. We remind all people in the organisation that if they use certain services, they may be with people being exploited and ask them to report it should they be concerned with our full support. We require managers to undertake due diligence before engaging new suppliers.
We already raise ethical matters in our contracts with suppliers and have a social compact which they are asked to sign as are our staff

Nicci Willock, CEO

7th February 2025

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