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Benny’s March Blog: Inspiring Young People on Care Day 

Benny says “I may be a bit soft – but I am no dummy!”

Hi guys, it’s Benny the Bear here to tell you about a truly amazing achievement by young people which happened on the biggest day in the calendar for children in care – Care Day,  21st February 2020. Care Day happens every year in February half term and shines a light on the lives and achievements of care experienced people.

This year Caitlin*, a young person in foster care in the South East of England, invited me to join a First Aid Workshop for our children and young people, along with their foster carers. 

I was greatly impressed because that wonderful young person is a St John’s Ambulance cadet and it was she who asked to lead the workshop for other young people to help them learn new skills in saving lives! 

Our South East Fostering team supported Caitlin to run her own workshop a year ago and at that workshop she inspired another young person Daniel* to join St John’s cadets! It was lovely to see Daniel this year in his uniform, supporting Caitlin to run the workshop in 2020!


They were both amazing, it was fun and informative and everyone had a fantastic time! 

This year they have both inspired another young person to join Cadets, so maybe next year we will have three young people running this workshop! 

This event was great to raise awareness of National Care day and it was lovely to share the day with so many inspirational young people and their carers.



*Names have been changed to protect the identity of the young people.

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