Talk to us about fostering 01722 442 725

Your Events

Welcome! This is where you find out about events coming up in your local area that you can be a part of.

Upcoming events

In South & South East

May Half Term Event in Sussex

Save the Date - A fun activity outdoor activity!

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28th May 2025, 0:00 - 23:00
If you want to attend, please contact your local participation champion.
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We’d love to hear from you!

Do you have any ideas of events which you’d like to see? We want to make sure that you find our events fun and exciting, and we’re always on the lookout for new ideas! Please share any ideas you have by clicking the button below.

Get in touch
olivia doherty - five rivers child care participation lead

Let’s talk...

Hi! I’m Livy and I’m responsible for organising participation events, listening to your thoughts and ideas and making them happen. I also work closely with our Five Rivers Youth Council, a group of children and young people making a difference from our family of fostering agencies here in the UK.

If you have an idea, would like to get involved in one of our upcoming events, you can call me or email at..

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