Five Rivers Plain English Award
Monday 10 September 2018
We are delighted to announce that Five Rivers has just scooped its second Plain English Award and would like to thank everyone involved, including our Young Designers team.
First impressions count so our children’s and young people’s welcome packs are vital tools in helping children as they enter foster care. They have to be warm, welcoming and easy to understand.
By joining our Young Designers participation project, Five Rivers fostered young people can get involved in the design process to ensure all our leaflets, booklets and DVDs for children and young people are simple and relevant to the target audience. Once they meet the standards set by our Young Designers, the documents are given the Five Rivers ‘Keep It Plain’ stamp of approval.
We are pleased to see the national Plain English Awards campaign recognise the value of Keep It Plain and have given it their stamp of approval also. This is what they wrote in their commendation:
“Five Rivers once again produced an exemplary documents, covering tricky subject matter with guile, tact and sensitivity. We were delighted to present them with their second Plain English Award, and hope they continue to set such a high standard.”