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Fostered – The Inside Story


A child in our foster family care has published fostering booklet with help from Fixers.

A 17 year-old student looked after by Five Rivers has published a book to help those new to foster care.

The book “Fostered  – the Inside Story “ was edited by Kieran, 17, from Gloucester, who says, ‘I hope the project will give people an insight into foster care and make the lives of young people living in care better.’

Fixers, the national children’s media participation programme, helped him bring his ideas to life by collating images and writings from other young people in Foster Care.

Olivia Doherty is the National Children’s Participation and Engagement Officer for Five Rivers. She has been introducing our families and workers to Fixers and is very excited by the opportunities the scheme offers young people to get involved in creative projects such as writing, art, music and film making.

She says, “We are delighted for Keiran, the first of our looked after children to get published with Fixers. His booklet is really superb and everyone should read it – whether they are connected to fostering or not. We have a number of other projects in the pipeline and are encouraging all our foster carers, and residential home staff to introduce their young people and children to this marvellous project. Seeing Kieran’s success will spur more on.”

Download a Pdf of Fostered the Inside Story


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