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Fountain House raises money by ‘Staying Awake’!


The young people and adults at Fountain House, our children’s home in Leeds, held a ‘Stay Awake’ night in March, to raise money for a local charity, Re:establish. 


On Friday 19th March, the boys and home manager, Stacey Wagstaffe, stayed awake for 10 hours past their bedtime! As part of their efforts, they enjoyed a feast of delicious doughnuts and played on their Xbox, and the boys thoughtfully helped Stacey stay awake by preparing coffee for her! 


For each hour that they all stayed awake past the boys bedtime (9pm), they received a donation from the various sponsors from around Five Rivers, and raised an incredible £760! 


Their chosen charity, Re;establish, is a local, community charity that supports young people and offers early interventions to reduce crime, gang violence, and county lines, giving the children in the area a way out and an opportunity to have better outcomes. 


The team from Re:Establish headquarters visited Fountain House and the boys to get the cheque, they spent time chatting with the boys and educating them on county lines before highly praising them for their efforts. 


The home’s manager, Stacey Wagstaffe, said “I’m so pleased with how the boys did – to stay awake for ten hours past their bedtime is amazing! We’re so proud that they raised so much money for such a worthy cause – they are truly inspirational. 

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