From taxi driver to full-time foster carer
Wednesday 23 December 2020
With people across England facing tough employment prospects as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, one of our foster carers, living in the North East, believes that more people should consider fostering in this time of uncertainty.
Rasub has worked as a taxi driver for more than 20 years but in 2015, he decided to leave his cab behind to be able to foster full-time alongside his wife Shameen who works part-time in the kitchen at a local primary school.
When talking about his decision to give up his job as a taxi driver to become a full-time foster carer, Rasub said: “I had a long run at being a taxi driver and the flexibility of it suited us a family, despite the unsociable hours. But once our children had grown up, I wanted a change and realised that fostering would allow me to help those in need as well have a secure job.”
The couple’s first foster placement was a young boy with medical and additional learning needs, who is still with the family today and will stay with the Afzals until he’s at least 18. Rasub transferred to us earlier this year from another agency, and we are delighted with all his hard work and commitment to fostering so far.
Now 10-years-old, he requires 24/7 supervision and care. Rasub said: “When we first met this little boy, we knew he was going to be a challenge. I asked myself, if I didn’t help him, then who would? I was aware that children with disabilities and special educational needs were often the children that other foster carers might be more nervous to take on, so I knew this little boy needed me.”
“People may not realise they can make a difference. I’m now a foster dad to someone I can’t imagine life without. I’ve never thought of this as a job, it’s not a chore but it is my duty to look after him because he needs me. Whether you’ve looked after children of your own before or your new to it, you might have talent that you don’t even realise but could make a huge difference to a young person’s life.”
For more information on fostering, book a call with us or you can apply to foster here.