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Solution 28: Emergency foster carers urgently needed across Gloucestershire

emergency foster care in Gloucestershire

As part of the Solution 28 Emergency Fostering Placement Scheme, we are currently recruiting emergency foster carers in Gloucestershire who can provide a home to a child or young person in need for 28 days.

Emergency foster carers act as a bridge between foster placements or reunification with friends or family.

We are keen to hear from people who are nurturing, compassionate and enjoy caring and supporting others. Anyone with transferable skills acquired in a profession like nursing, caring, residential childcare or general healthcare could make perfect candidates – an understanding of the type of complex needs the vulnerable children might have is particularly important.

We are also welcoming enquiries from people that have an interest in fostering and have a suitable home environment which means they need to have one spare room for each child in their care.

We provide emergency foster carers with:

  • Regular, specialised training.
  • An enhanced fee plus a retainer when not caring for a young person.
  • Weekly support of up to four hours from our fostering support workers.
  • Weekly carer supervision with a social worker.
  • 24-hour access to social worker support, 365 days a year.
  • Access to monthly support groups.
  • Access to a local Five Rivers team based in a Quedgeley office.

If you are able to provide support or would be interested in learning more, please call our team on 0345 266 0272.

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Do you feel you have the energy and true commitment to make a positive difference to a child’s or young person’s life?

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