Somerset couple call for more people to foster siblings
More of our fantastic foster carers are sharing their experiences of fostering sibling groups in a bid to help stem current figures that show almost 2,000 children in care across England have been split up from their brothers and sisters. Rachel and Simon from Somerset share their inspiring fostering story.
Rachel, who continues to work part-time as an area manager for The Children’s Society, and Simon, a senior manager in children’s services, first considered fostering while Rachel was working on a project for children and young people who have been through abuse and trauma. Working particularly closely with one group of young people led Rachel to believe she and Simon could offer a stable family environment for those in need. Since then, the couple have fostered 20 children alongside their own biological children over their 12-year career as foster carers.
Rachel and Simon are currently foster parents to a sibling group of three, and have fostered the siblings on a long-term placement, which in this case means they will be with the family until they become adults. The siblings joined the family alongside four biological children.
The three siblings have been with Rachel and Simon for four years, and during that time they have truly become part of the family. Rachel said: “all three of them are part of our family, all our children call them their brother and sister, our extended family send them Christmas presents over from Canada, and they’re always the centre of attention at our big family picnic which has been going 45-years. They have helped us grow as a family, and while in the beginning it wasn’t entirely plain sailing, they’ve completely enriched the lives of our children. You can ask any one of our children and not one of them would want to change our decision to foster.”
Rachel believes that National Siblings Day is an important day to cherish all brothers and sisters, both biological and fostered. Both Rachel and Simon feel by keeping their three foster children together has helped grow and enrich their already-loving family.
If you would like to know more about how you can help a child in need, or the personal and career benefits of fostering, or would just like an informal chat with our team you can reach us on 0345 266 0272 or