Supporting the Futures of Young People in Care this National Careers Week
Thursday 09 March 2023
“Many care leavers have an interrupted education profile but nevertheless possess all the characteristics that make them a wonderful employee. Very tenacious, persistent, full of personality, energy, drive –all of those great things that, as an employer, you want to see.”
Pam McConnell – Founder of Five Rivers
Leaving full-time education can be a daunting process where important decisions loom ahead to create a pathway to work. This week is National Careers Week, which aims to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar, helping support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future.
At Five Rivers, we believe that having the right resources and guidance available during this time can be a powerful tool to help support young people find out what is available to them and make informed choices.
Where can young people find the right career support and advice?
Five Rivers Futures was created as a volunteer-run befriending service, financial grant scheme, information signpost, employment advisor, advocacy support and leaving care gift package all rolled into one.
Support with finance, employment and befriending
“One of the things that we do as a social enterprise is ask for our suppliers to give a meaningful work experience to young people in care that ask for one; so not one where it’s just a dreary job, but to give them a taste of something as a career opportunity.
The other part is that, if a young person who has been in care applies for a job, they will give them a meaningful interview, and really seriously consider them for that role, even if they don’t appear to meet the qualifications.” (Pam McConnell)
What is Five Rivers Futures?
Five Rivers Futures is a befriending service for young people aged 18-25 who have left Five Rivers’ care. This includes our partner agencies; Safehouses Fostering, The Fostering Company, Foster Careline and Quality Foster Care. Our care leavers can access the following support and guidance through Five Rivers Futures, until they are 25:
Loneliness and wellbeing support
Information and advocacy support
Employment support with CV and job application advice
Financial support
Support with university and job applications
Support ‘hamper’, co-designed by our care leavers
Another exceptional resource for care leavers is the charity, Become. Offering a huge range of support for care leavers, they have the Propel programme which offers specialist advisors and resources to help young people make an informed decision about the next step into further or higher education.
Considering a Career in Care
Five Rivers offer a huge range of opportunities for those wanting to make a difference, whilst supporting growth and development within each individual’s career.
We pride ourselves on being a learning organisation, encouraging continued personal development for both our staff and the young people in our care. With us, you can progress your career in a rewarding and engaging environment.
Take a look at more information on working with Five Rivers Child Care.
More information on Five Rivers Futures or you can email
Call 01722 516091 or mobile 07860 879391.
More information on Become or you can email
Call 0800 023 2033.
Find out more about National Careers Week here, with free downloadable resources for educators to support delivery of information for young people leaving education.