Browse your Care Day 2022 projects, including illustrations, songs and six word stories
Monday 30 May 2022
Every year our Participation Champions work with you to choose fun activities to help celebrate Care Day and raise awareness of the needs of children in care.
These projects are always based on a theme chosen by you through the annual Youth Council. This year’s theme was ‘proud to be me’ and we shared your fabulous work with the world through our social media on Care Day which was on Friday 18th February 2022. Your projects got lots of attention from the public with an increase in engagement of 54%!
This is what you all collectively created for these celebrations this year:
- A Guide to Understanding Gender and Sexual Identity for adults working with young people, illustrated with your drawings.
- A series of podcasts of conversations between adults and young people discussing:
- Gender identity and pronouns
- Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
- Digital Identity and digital health.
- Two music soundtracks celebrating your identity as people with care experience:
100,000 Raindrops.mp4 from Participation: Five Rivers on Vimeo.
Proud To Be Me Rap from Five Rivers Child Care on Vimeo.
- A series of six word stories celebrating your care experienced identities.
- A cartoon explaining the differences between adoptions, fostering and residential to help the general public understand them.
Have a look, see what others made and find your own work below!