Life Blogger Series: Lambing
Monday 05 August 2024
During the Easter holidays, the lambing season had begun. I was excited about this because I love lending a hand on the farm and feeding the lambs.
I helped out every day and every evening, feeding the lambs and giving the sheep hay. As soon as I walk into the shed, the sheep see me and they always make so much noise, and the lambs come running up to me.
On a couple of occasions, I slept in the chalet in the barn so I could watch over the sheep at night. One of my friends came to sleep in the shed with me. It was great fun! We ate our Easter egg chocolate and watched films in between checking the animals. When I am in there and the lights are dimmed, all I can hear is the sheep baaing softly and the cows scratching against the metal gate chain.
Later in the month, when the lambs are bigger and stronger, we put tags in their ears, castrate them and spread tar on their neck and tails. This stops foxes and badgers from harming them because when they go up to sniff the lambs, they wont like the smell so they will go off and find other prey.
I now have two pet lambs, one called Wobbles, who I helped give birth, and when she walks her back leg wobbles. My other pet lamb is called Groot. When she was born, she was tiny but after we fed her on the bottle and looked after her, she is now out in the field with her mum and is thriving.
I love working on the farm and helping out because I learn new skills, it is really interesting and fascinating. If I hadn’t have been put into foster care, I wouldn’t have gone through these amazing experiences and understood what to do in certain situations.
This blog has been created as part of a series of ‘Life Blogs’ by care-experienced young people, following the 2024 London sessions with The Royal Literary Fund and VoiceBox.