It arrives in your life, takes it over, and demands that you give it every ounce of energy, passion and determination you have. And I wouldn’t have it any other way: I have worked with children and young people for over 35 years, in the belief that every one of them is worth fighting for. At Five Rivers, our approach is modelled on the childhoods that most of us took for granted, where children are cared for, loved, valued and respected.
We create an environment where a child finds, often for the first time, that everyone wants the very best for them and to show them a meaningful future. Equally, they discover that this requires rules and boundaries, effort, and respect for everyone around them.
I founded Five Rivers Child Care in 1989, having previously worked in the care system as a social worker, psychotherapist, family therapist and expert witness.
Today, Five Rivers draws on over 30 years of experience in recapturing the childhoods of neglected and abused children and young people. With our care homes, fostering network and education services, we have never been better placed to turn children’s lives around.
Meet the Board of Five Rivers Child Care