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Child at Avon House supports local foodbank


The adults at Avon House have been speaking to the girls in the home about the Coronavirus pandemic, and the many ways it has and will continue to affect different people. They explained about people being furloughed and losing jobs, schools being closed and how some children living within a family environment may have been disadvantaged compared to those living at Avon House.

These discussions prompted one of our children, aged 11, to want to support her local foodbank. She receives food vouchers from her primary school during the school holidays to cover the cost of her meals, and because Avon had a lot of nice things already, and get everything they need, she wanted to use her vouchers to support children whose families are struggling – perhaps more so because of the pandemic.

She has been making lists of the things that people may need, and going out to buy them using her food vouchers, and then donating the items to the local food bank. She also received a personalised thank you card for her support of the foodbank.

Avon House’s Registered Manager, Chelsea Smart, said

“Everyone at Avon House is very proud. She has come through so much and her want to still help other children and families has inspired us all. We have been speaking recently about ways in which different people, including children still living in family homes, can be disadvantaged and her want to help has been so wonderful. She makes us smile every day but this has made us extra proud.”

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