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Hampshire teacher calls for more loving families to consider fostering

Fostering in hampshire

To mark Foster Care Fortnight, which runs from Monday 13th – Sunday 26th May this year, our foster carers will be sharing their stories across the fortnight.

Carole Ann from Hampshire shares how she combined fostering with a full-time job in teaching in a bid to encourage loving families to support the growing number of children and young people entering the care system and the ongoing shortfall of 920 foster carers across the South and South East of England and more than 8,000 throughout the UK.

As a teacher for more than 35 years, Carole Ann has dedicated her career and her time both inside and outside the classroom to making a difference to the lives of her young people.

However, she found for certain students, academic support just wasn’t enough. This was when Carole Ann and her husband Simon first considered fostering.

They are now respite foster carers, also known as short term carers, on most weekends for children and young people to offer their regular carers a break or during times when an emergency placement is needed. This allows Carole Ann to continue her full-time teaching job at the same time as fostering.

Speaking about why she fosters, Carole Ann said: “Fostering has given us the opportunity to offer children the support they need. Whether this be a distraction with our activity-full weekends or a cuddle with our dog, we can see the difference we are making in these kids’ lives and that is what really matters. We especially notice the difference when we have children stay with us for the third or fourth time; spending time and caring for them regularly allows us to see how they grow and change.”

Carole Ann believes Foster Care Fortnight is an important reminder that there is currently a huge shortage of foster carers in the South and South East of England, but also across the UK. Carole Ann believes by sharing her story, it will encourage more families across the UK to consider providing a home for a child or young person in need.

If you would like to know more about how you can help a child in need, or the personal and career benefits of fostering, or would just like an informal chat with our team you can reach us on 0345 266 0272 or

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