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Isle of Wight Launch New Local Hub!


Last week, our new Fostering Hub on the Isle of Wight opened its doors in Newport with a daytime launch event. Making themselves known in the area and bringing together local foster carers to celebrate!

Fostering Services Manager, Kate Ennis, said
​​​​​​​“The event has been really positive. The drop-in for the new Hub was from 11am to 2pm.
It was great to see carers drop by and see our new office in Newport – they were very positive about the future and having a Hub where they can meet with the team and other carers, as well as having somewhere for the children and young people to enjoy activities.”

Isle of Wight New Local Hub Isle of Wight New Local Hub Isle of Wight New Local Hub Isle of Wight New Local Hub

“Next steps will be to finish furnishing the premises and ensure we have a regular programme for our children, young people and carers to enjoy. Support groups are being organised, as well as face-to-face training – we are looking forward to working with our children and young people and them being part of our plans and developments for the future.

This will enhance the already close ties that Five Rivers have with the residing local authority providing fostering families to the children and young people they look after.”

​​​​​​​Local fostering services are important in providing support to foster carers and young people within their communities. We look forward to seeing the Isle of Wight Hub’s developments continue and support them to establish their local reputation on the island!

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