Long term foster carers urgently needed to support teens
Monday 03 December 2018
Children need long-term commitment from adults. Could long-term fostering be the career for you?
What is a Long Term Foster Carer?
Usually, this type of care will result in the foster child remaining with the foster family until adulthood. We place the individual child with parents best suited to meet their needs. This type of placement is popular with foster families with biological children living at home.
Do I need children of my own to apply?
No! For example, Tim and Emma are a couple with no children of their own who became foster parents to a six-year-old boy after his family broke down. Now, Five Rivers are in the process of offering a long-term therapeutic foster placement which means he will hopefully stay with them until he is 18.
I don’t have any professional experience of child care – can I apply?
Yes, because Five Rivers offer extensive therapeutic training to new foster carers as well as a whole range of support:
- a dedicated social worker who will work closely with you to help you in your role as a foster carer
- 24/7, 365 day a week support from qualified social workers
- training and personal development opportunities throughout your fostering career
- access to specialist clinical and educational services when needed to work with those living with you
- membership of a local foster carer support group, and other opportunities to gain mutual support from other carers
- professional fees and other benefits such as paid holidays that reflect the complexities and status of being a foster carer.
With rising numbers of children entering the care system there is a shortage of 540 foster carers across the North of England with a particular need to help teenage children from the ages of 13 and up.
A career in foster care offers many benefits including competitive rates of pay and flexible working. For more information about fostering contact Five Rivers on 0345 266 0272.