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The Spires School

The Spires School

  • Location: Wiltshire
  • Gender: Male & Female
  • Age Range: 6 – 18
  • Capacity: 40
  • Ofsted Rating: Good

The Spires is a small, unique education provision, rated ‘Good with Outstanding in Personal Development’ by Ofsted in 2024. Based in Wiltshire and offering a range of rich learning opportunities for pupils aged 6-18 years, The Spires is a happy, safe and welcoming environment, which allows our pupils to achieve their own academic targets whilst feeling safe, secure and boosting their self-esteem.

We are proud of our school, the pupils and the values that underpin all of our work here.

What we stand for


The school day

Choices in curriculum

Every day is unique and individual to each child, taking account of their learning needs and interests. Our approach to learning is thematic, with a core theme each term, connecting the seven curriculum areas of Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Technology, The World Around Us, Creativity, Skills for Life alongside Physical Education and Wellbeing. Within the school day there is a focus on core learning of Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Technology. Which is supplemented with lessons that focus on Wellbeing and Vocational Studies. Within these curriculum areas students can focus on their own personal development.

The physical and active curriculum is driven by our outdoor learning team. Here there is a strong emphasis on team building, developing leadership skills and facing personal challenge through activities that run from biking, canoeing abseiling, wild cooking, hiking, and paddleboarding. We offer swimming sessions once a week and have links with the local leisure centre where any pupils aged 14+ can be offered the opportunity to develop their own personal health through the use of the supervised gym.

Chances for qualification

The Spires is a registered exam base, so all pupils can work towards accredited courses, e.g. GCSEs, Entry Level, AQA Unit Awards and ASDAN Awards. This is complemented by vocational studies and life skills.

Our pupils

We believe that all of our children and young people will benefit from the consistency and dedication of an integrated team.

  • Pupils that have had long/sustained periods of time out of education will be presented with the opportunity to follow a personalised educational timetable, studying the 7 areas of learning.
  • We also run an alternative provision that allows a greater expanse of educational opportunities to pupils that have had long periods of time out of education, or struggled with education. 1ACE presents the opportunity to follow a personalised educational timetable, studying the 7 areas of learning.
  • Pupils will be able to address previous trauma and plan for a positive future (mentally, emotionally and academically), by working closely with their assigned Five Rivers clinical psychologist.
  • Allow pupils to build and maintain positive and meaningful relationships with both staff and peers.
  • Re-establish trust in adults and their intentions.
  • Increase self-esteem and belief in their abilities.
  • Develop further communication skills and the ability to verbalise needs.
  • To help close their gap to achieving age-related expectations.

Pupils ‘learn to be resilient, resourceful, independent learners through the curriculum.  The Curriculum offers a breadth of exciting , stimulating and culturally rich opportunities.  Pupils thrive in this learning environment.  The Personal, Social and Health education enables pupils to develop a very strong understanding of the world beyond school.  Pupils are well prepared for next steps in education and employment.  The personal development curriculum transforms the life chances of pupils at the school.’

– Ofsted 2024

Our expectations for pupils

The Spires has high expectations for all its pupils. The pupils wear the uniform and have clearly defined individual behaviour plans that all the team are aware of. We have a system of rewards called ‘Cool Points’ that focus on presentation, behaviour for learning, effort, excellence and social skills. Practice is reflective and restorative and implemented in a consistent and fair manner.

The Attachment and Trauma-Sensitive Award (ATSSA)

Our school has been awarded the Gold ATSSA award. We have a culture of compassion and nurture, fundamental components for getting children into a state of ‘learning readiness’. The award is issued only to providers who can demonstrate they have met its rigorous quality standards.


The Spires Term Dates 2024 – 2025

Autumn term 2024: Monday 2nd September – Friday 20th December
Half term: Thursday 24th October – Sunday 3rd November
Inset days: Monday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd September, Monday 4th November
Spring term 2025: Monday 6th January – Friday 4th April
Half term: Monday 17th February – Sunday 23rd February
Inset days: Monday January 6th
Summer term 2025: Monday 22nd April – Thursday 24th July
Half term: Monday 26th May – Sunday 1st June
Inset days: Tuesday 22nd April , Thursday 3rd July, Friday 4th July

While a selection of our school policies are available to download, please contact if you can’t find what you’re looking for.

The Spires School Prospectus: Download
The Spires School Latest Ofsted Report: Download
The Spires School Additional Ofsted Report 2023: Download
The Spires School Ofsted Report 2019: Download
The Spires School Additional Ofsted Report 2021: Download
The Spires School First Aid and Infection Control Guidance: Download
The Spires School Complaints Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Fire Safety Policy: Download
The Spires School Fire Safety Appendix: Download
The Spires School Anti-Bullying Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Health & Safety Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Safeguarding Contact Details: Download
The Spires School Admissions Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Education EAL Policy: Download
The Spires School Accessibility Plan: Download
The Spires School Assessment Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Attendance Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Curriculum Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Data Protection Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Internet Safety Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Preventing Extremism Appendix: Download
The Spires School Special Educational Needs Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Health & Safety Risk Assessment Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Behaviour Support Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Behaviour Support Policy & Procedure Appendix: Download
The Spires School Child Missing Education Policy: Download
The Spires School Educational Visits Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Equality & Diversity Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Relationships & Sex Education Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Careers Guidance Policy & Procedure: Download
The Spires School Results Review 2022-2023: Download
The Spires School Results Review 2021-2022: Download
The Spires School Results Review 2020-2021: Download

The Spires

Headteacher: Louise Bethel
Telephone: 01722 820970

Proprietor: Five Rivers Child Care Limited
Chair: David Howard
Telephone: 01722 435750

Head office: Five Rivers Child Care Limited, 47 Bedwin Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3UT
Phone: 0800 389 8708

There were no complaints registered under the formal procedure during the preceding school year.

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