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It’s a hat-trick! Three of our schools receive Attachment and Trauma Sensitive Awards


We’re thrilled to announce that three of our schools that provide alternative education provision to children in care have received an Attachment and Trauma Sensitive School Award (ATSSA)! This is a nationally recognised award that acknowledges schools that have made a commitment to embed a culture of attachment and trauma sensitivity. To be eligible for the award schools must prove they have taken steps to provide educational provision that is sensitive to children who have faced adversity, such as children in care.  

Our schools, The Spires in Wiltshire, Fountain House in West Yorkshire, and Park House in Somerset, have received the Bronze Award which is a prerequisite to be eligible for the Silver and Gold Awards. Our schools provide additional support to children from six to 18 years old, that have had to overcome trauma and adversity and struggle in mainstream school. Many of the children that attend our schools are currently in foster care or live in one of our children’s residential homes.

 James Hall, Head of Education said: “We are thrilled that three of our schools have been awarded an Attachment and Trauma Sensitive School Award and we are eager to continue our good work. We have no doubt that we will be achieving gold awards soon enough.  

 “Many children in care suffer from learning or behavioural issues and find mainstream school incredibly challenging. When this is the case, it’s unlikely that a child will enjoy, or even attend school. Our specialist schools provide tailored support and do not base achievement on standardised testing, and instead, help each child reach their own academic targets. This, paired with our specially trained teachers and support staff, helps to ensure that children in care attend school and receive an education. 

“Our 1ACE model, which is unique to Five Rivers Child Care, uses a combination of high-quality education underpinned by therapeutic support, to help children recover from neglect, abuse, trauma or family breakdown, as well as giving them an education and the skills to be able to live independently in the future.”

The following feedback was provided to all three of our schools by Dr Jennifer A Nock, who is responsible for granting the ATSSA Awards: There is a strong focus on multi-sensory learning and play… This, combined with the emphasis on making learning fun and individual attention for each child, is an excellent recipe for helping children to become fully engaged with learning. The range of opportunities offered to pupils is impressive, and again, tailored to each child.”  

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